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Vetting news and insights
Discover the latest news and insights from our vetting specialists.

Nov 26, 20213 min read
1/4 of police employees not properly background checked
VettingGateway investigate why one quarter of the police force are not properly vetted and what goes into the checking process

Nov 18, 20214 min read
Learn the basics of background checking
background checks are an important tool for establishing trust and providing peace of mind in any professional relationship

Oct 26, 20213 min read
What is a DBS check and how do I conduct one?
A DBS check is a check of your criminal record carried out by the Disclosure and Baring service. The Disclosure and Barring Service helps...

Oct 22, 20212 min read
How faster background checks can help in the skills shortage
As the world starts to gently recover from the Covid 19 pandemic, we’re seeing a big influx in recruitment. However, many companies...

Sep 29, 20212 min read
BPSS Background Check - What is it and how do I use it?
What is a BPSS background check and how do I use it?

Sep 22, 20212 min read
Pre-Employment Background Checks - How to complete them
What are Pre-Employment reference checks and how do you complete them?

Sep 14, 20212 min read
Why are Background Checks Important to your Business Success
There is no escaping it; without background checking, a bad hire can cost your business, in more ways than one.

Jul 20, 20213 min read
What are background checks and why do I need to do them?
Whether you are an organisation reference checking an individual’s past, or an individual providing a reference for an organisation,...

Jun 22, 20213 min read
Introducing VettingGateway
The new background and employment vetting system Built by identity management software pioneers – IDGateway® – VettingGateway is the new...

Jun 1, 20212 min read
Background checks: getting the right information
Background checks should be an essential part of any organisation’s pre-employment screening process. For heavily regulated sectors, such...

May 13, 20213 min read
Revolutionise Employment Checks with VettingGateway
Distributing and collecting accurate employment referencing checks shouldn’t be a headache, but many vetting teams find this the most...

Nov 12, 20206 min read
Building your business case for VettingGateway
We’ve all been there… You’ve been struggling with background checking your employees for years and your management team have now offered...

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